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Learn how to build a Sustainable Business Model

Even if You have No Idea What To Do or Where To Start

Triple Value Proposition Business Model Canvas

Learn how to Strategically Capture and Communicate the Triple Value you Create and Deliver in 13 Interconnected Building Blocks.

4 Systemic Business Model Perspectives

Learn how to Apply 4 Interdependent Systems Thinking Perspectives to Get a Comprehensive View of your Business in it's Context.

Sustainable Business Model Methodology

Learn how to Map, Check, and Innovate your Business Model to Make Better Assumptions about What it Takes to be Succesfull.

Sustainable Business Model Canvas

The 13 interconnected building blocks of the Sustainable Business Model Canvas invite you to strategically capture the different kinds of value that you create and deliver to the world, ánd communicate how you do so on a simple 1-page overview.

Systemic Business Model Perspectives

With the 4 interdependent Systemic Business Model Perspectives you will better understand your customer's needs now and in the future, improve your social and environmental performance, and make more strategic decisions to reach your vision of success.

Sustainable Business Modelling Methodology

The Sustainable Business Modelling Methodology offers a practical 3-Step (re-)design process to Map, Check, and Innovate the building blocks of your Sustainable Business Model Canvas through the 4 Systemic Business Model Perspectives.

The Sustainable Business Model Academy offers (Online) Courses, Coaching, Workshops, and tailored Consultancy for Entreperneurs and Teams Aiming to be Part of the Solution.


The SBMA Online Courses in Sustainable Business Modelling supply you with the Toolbox for Success Loaded with Content, Examples, Templates and Trigger Questions to get you started with the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology.


SMBA Catalyzing Coaching Journeys assist you to Apply the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology to Better Understand your Customer's, Build Social Resilience, Improve Environmental Impact and Strategically move towards a Sustainability.


In the SBMA Workshops we Guide you through (parts of) the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology with a variety of Examples, Templates and Trigger Questions to help you Map, Check, and Innovate your Business Model using Participatory Methods.


SBMA Tailored Consultancy Services really Take Things a Step Deeper, Wider, and Further by sharing our Expertise in Business Modelling, Strategy, Systems Thinking, Sustainability, Circularity, and Innovation, and to Get you Through your Most Complex Challenges.
