15-Week Business Model Innovation Program
Apply 4 systemic design perspectives to catalyze your Business Model Sustainability in 3 simple steps and just 15 weeks
Even if you have no idea where or how to start
In today's volatile and fast-changing context, it's Painfully Clear that Sustainability is at the very Core of Strategically Building, Maintaining, and Growing a Relevant, Resilient, and Innovative Business in the 21st-Century
On a global scale, we're dealing with a multitude of complex problems that are systematically causing social and ecological unsustainability, basically threatening the very existence humanity civilization as we know it.
From a business perspective, direct problems range from increasing customer and stakeholder demand for transparency about for example your greenhouse gas emissions or labor standards and other impacts throughout your supply chains, the risk of resource scarcity and increasing costs, fast-changing customer preferences, and increasingly more tight legislation is creating a new playing field, with new rules and principles to play by...
The world is changing. Your context is changing. And its changing fast.
One things is clear: the pressure is on.
Obviously, your business is affected by this. Less obvious perhaps, is how your business contributes to these systemic problems, and what you might be able to do about it, or even turn them into opportunities.
As an entrepreneur, business owner, founder or manager, you're investing a great amount of time, energy, and money to build and grow your business, and if you want to be successful in the 21st century, sustainability is key.
But why is "business as usual" inherently unsustainable? What is sustainability exactly? And how can your business model design benefit from applying a set of scientific yet simple principles fór sustainability?
To get and stay relevant and successful in today's markets, its crucial to be very clear about the value you create and deliver to the world. You need to anticipate your customer's changing wants and desires, enhance your insight into social standards throughout the supply chains you are part of, and get clear on your ecological footprint and make it smaller. All this, while making sure your efforts are strategic and bring you closer and closer to your vision.
Unfortunately, existing approaches for business model innovation often only focus on pieces and parts, and do not ensure that your business model is designed sustainable as a whole. To be Future-Ready, Future-Proof, or Future-Fit means a lot more than being lean, agile, digitalized, data-driven and horizontal.
It's about your contribution to the world we create together.
So that's where the Sustainable Business Model Academy comes in.
The SBM Canvas Methodology helps catalyze innovation and impact with sustainability as the core driver.
The Benefits of a Sustainable Business Model
Increase Revenue
Decrease Costs
Decrease Risk
Source: Future Fit Foundation
Business benefits and savings come in many forms: growing market share, and access to emerging markets through sustainable branding and leadership; enhanced resilience to sector volatility and legislation changes; improvements in operational efficiencies and employee engagement, collaboration, productivity and innovative capacity; increased ability to attract and retain talent; as well as reduced consumption of and thus expenses for energy, water, materials and production of waste that can be reduced, reused, recycled, down- or up cycled. This creates new value propositions and requires new, sustainable business models.
How does the SBMA 4-month Online Program with the SBM Canvas Methodology and our Make it Easy for You to Grasp the Benefits of Change?
Presenting the SBMA 4-month Business Model Innovation Program
The Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology helps you (re-)design your future-proof Sustainable Business Model with a unique and compelling Triple Value Proposition at its core:
1. Human Value Proposition - to describe more clearly what Universal Human Needs your Product/Service aims to satisfy for your Target Audience, now and in the future,
2. Social Value Proposition - to describe how you build Resilient Channels and Trustworthy Relationships with Partners and Stakeholders throughout your Supply Chains,
3. Ecological Value Proposition - to describe how you develop Circular Activities and rely on Regenerative Resources throughout your Life-Cycle.
The 4th Systemic Perspective: Strategic Decision-Making and Prioritization helps you make sure that everything is aligned with your desired organizational Strategic Direction, your vision, purpose, and goals. It also ties in the business bottom line profits, increasing Revenue, decreasing Costs, , and reducing or mitigating Risks.
Overall, the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology online course will help you identify the business language and rationale required to create and deliver a compelling future-proof value proposition and profitable business model.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
The SBMA Program consists of a video course with 5 modules with a little over 30 videos totaling roughly 5 hours of in-depth explanation of the concepts behind the SBM Canvas Methodology and walking you though applying the 15 actionable (and high-resolution printable) Templates and Trigger Questions to Map, Check, and Innovate your whole business model from 4 interconnected systemic sustainability perspectives.
It further includes guidance by email to help you stay on track and taking action,
and of course the possibility to learn and apply everything on your own time.
The Advanced version of the Program also includes 6 individual Coaching-Sessions and 5 times tailored written feedback on the work with the SBM Canvas Methodology applied to your own business or case.
5 Modules Video Course
30 videos - 5h total
A little over 30 carefully crafted videos guide you through the SBM Canvas Methodology. They explain the concepts, theory and principles behind each perspective, and give you clear instructions and guidance how to apply the Templates & Trigger Questions to your own business.
15 Actionable
(& Printable) Templates
Templates & Trigger Questions are at the core of the SBM Canvas Methodology. Our sustainable Trigger Questions invite you to in-depth Map, Check, and Innovate every BM building block while the Templates gives you a clear and consise space to capture your insights and ideas.
3 or 6 One-One
Coaching Sessions 1,5h
The Coaching Sessions let you take advantage of individual and tailored support to improve the sustainability of your business model and ensure you tackle any and every challenge as you apply the Templates to your unique business model and context.
2x or 5x Individual
Tailored Feedback
If you choose to really take action or dive deep, you have the opportunity to get written feedback on your work. You will simple upload your Templates to a dedicated folder and receive tailored and specific comments and provoking questions to the answers, insights and ideas you captured.
Learn and Apply at your Own Time
Each of our programs last for 15 weeks, with 1 break-week (to catch up) after the 8th week. However, you will keep access to all the material for a full 6 months, meaning you have 2 more months to finish, review the videos and make notes.
You can still sign up until Oct 11th!
Program Roadmap
There are 5 modules in this course. The first module gives a general introduction into Sustainable Business Model Innovation in general and the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology specifically.
Modules 2, 3, and 4 each guide you through a step of the SBM Canvas Methodology to Map, Check, and Innovate your business model from 4 Systemic Sustainability Perspectives of your business model.
Finally, module 5 invites you to Integrate your new ideas, and assumptions into your new Sustainable Business Model Canvas, with your Triple Value Proposition to capture the value you create and deliver.

Sustainable Business Model Innovation
Intro to Systemic Sustainability and the Triple Value Proposition
In module 1, we introduce you to the concept of Sustainable Business Model Innovation and learn about the 3 elements that make up the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology:

1.1 Adopting a Nested Systemic Perspective
Triple Value Proposition

1.2 Understanding How Your Context is Changing
Triple Value Proposition

1.3 Creating Your First Triple Value Proposition
Triple Value Proposition
In module 1, we introduce you to the concept of Sustainable Business Model Innovation and learn about the 3 elements that make up the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology:

Map your Business Model System
Identifying Everything and Everyone Relevant in your System
Module 2 helps you widen your view and apply a systems thinking perspective as you Map and identify everything that and everyone who is important for the sustainable success of your business model.
We'll explore several trigger questions for the building blocks of the Sustainable Start Canvas to Map out your whole business model.
And, you can dive even deeper by using the extra templates included for each of the 4 Systems Thinking Perspectives.
The main questions we'll explore for each of these perspectives are:
- Human: What are the Universal Human Needs you (aim to) satisfy?
- Social: Who are the Partners & Stakeholder in your social system?
- Ecological: What input do you need and which output do you generate?
- Strategic: Where do you want to go and what do you want to achieve?

2.1 Map Universal Customer Needs & Product Satisfiers
Triple Value Proposition

2.2 Map Social System Stakeholders
Triple Value Proposition

2.3 Map Ecological Input & Output
Triple Value Proposition

2.4 Map Strategic Direction
Triple Value Proposition
In module 1, we introduce you to the concept of Sustainable Business Model Innovation and learn about the 3 elements that make up the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology:

Check the Impact of your Business Model
Analyzing the (Un)Sustainability of All Your Building Blocks
Module 3 helps you Check and analyze how sustainable or unsustainable your business model is. We will introduce principles and guidelines for each of the 4 Systems Thinking Perspectives: Human, Social, Ecological, and Strategic.
The Social and Ecological Sustainability Principles (Broman, Robert, Missimer 2015) are the scientific definition for sustainability and outline the minimum requirements to build a sustainable society within the boundaries of the planet.
The main questions we'll explore for each of these perspectives are:
- Human: Do we offer any negative type satisfiers?
- Social: Do we contribute to any structural unsustainable obstacles?
- Ecological: Do we contribute to any systematic increases or decreases?
- Strategic: Which impacts should we focus on (first?)

2.1 Check Unsustainable Satisfiers
Triple Value Proposition

2.2 Check Social Sustainability
Triple Value Proposition

2.3 Check Ecological Sustainability
Triple Value Proposition

2.4 Check Strategic Focus
Triple Value Proposition
In module 1, we introduce you to the concept of Sustainable Business Model Innovation and learn about the 3 elements that make up the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology:

Innovate your Business Model fór Sustainability
Improving your Business Model with Principles for Sustainability at its Core
In Module 4 we focus on the power of creativity to rethink the design of your business model and all its building blocks. To do so, we introduce trigger questions grounded in the Human, Social, Ecological, and Strategic perspectives.
This will help you refine the Value Propositions you offer to your customers, as well as review the systemic value you offer to society as a whole and the ecological systems you interact with. The strategic perspective ensures you prioritize the right things.
The main questions we'll explore for each of these perspectives are:
- Human: How might we improve sinergy and satisfaction?
- Social: How might we improve trust, adaptivity, and resilience?
- Ecological: How might we improve circularity and regeneration?
- Strategic: Which innovations/actions should be prioritized?

2.1 Map Universal Customer Needs & Product Satisfiers
Triple Value Proposition

2.2 Map Social System Stakeholders
Triple Value Proposition

2.3 Map Ecological Input & Output
Triple Value Proposition

2.4 Map Strategic Direction
Triple Value Proposition
In module 1, we introduce you to the concept of Sustainable Business Model Innovation and learn about the 3 elements that make up the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology:

Your New, Unique, and Sustainable Business Model
Integrating and Testing your New Ideas and Assumptions for Your Unique SBM
Finally, in module 5, it's time to bring everything back together in the Sustainable Start Canvas. After going through the Map, Check, and Innovate steps you will have a much better idea how to strenghten your competitive ánd collaborative position.
Capturing your (new) business model will help you identify and explain the rationale behind how you create and deliver value, and allow you to effectively communicate your irresistible Triple Value Proposition and boost the profitability of your business model.
You'll have a better understanding how to continue serving your customers in today's fast-changing time, build social resilience and adaptive capacity, decrease dependence on unsustainable resources and activities, and ensure that your sustainability advancements benefit the strategic direction your working towards.

2.1 Map Universal Customer Needs & Product Satisfiers
Triple Value Proposition

2.2 Map Social System Stakeholders
Triple Value Proposition

2.3 Map Ecological Input & Output
Triple Value Proposition
In module 1, we introduce you to the concept of Sustainable Business Model Innovation and learn about the 3 elements that make up the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology:
There's More. And it's All Yours.
1-Page Cheat Sheet
As you go through the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology it can be useful to have an overview at hand of the Methodology as a whole, and how the most important steps, perspectives and questions are connected to the building blocks of the SBM Canvas.
Daily Guidance Emails
For 15 weeks after the start of the program, you will receive an email every workday highlighting a small task that you can accomplish in 30 minutes or less. We are committed to your success and want to help you make sustainability thinking a, integral part of your daily work.
SBM Pocket Checklist
Quickly want to check if you've thought of everything and everyone relevant to make your business model sustainable? The handy SBM Pocket Checklist gives you a list of the most important questions to ask yourself about every building block of your business model.
This is what past participants have to say about the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology...
Robert de G.
Digital Transformation Agent
The SSCM offers several ways of mapping different parts of your business model with specific templates and trigger questions.
The Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology explains the broader topic of sustainability very well through several ways of mapping different parts of your business model with specific templates and trigger questions. Getting hands-on, I found the SSCM quite useful and applicable.
Pascalle B.
Innovation Specialist
I hope the SSCM becomes a reference for sustainable business modelling.
I am a fan of the Sustainable Start Canvas Methodology and I really hope it will become a method of reference on the complex topic of sustainable business modelling.
Franziska W.
CSR Expert
I can't wait to apply it to the company that I work at.
It was a really insightful event learning about sustainable business models. It was especially fun to work on a real-life example and hear other people's views. I can't wait to apply the Sustainable Start Canvas and see where the company I work at stands.
About the course creator
Thomas van der Molen
- MSc Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability
- BBA International Business and Management
Thomas is an intuitive and analytical Systems Thinker specializing in Strategic Sustainable Development, Business Model Innovation, Multi-Stakeholder Process Facilitation and (Inter-)Personal Leadership Development.
He has over 10 years of experience working with sustainable (business) development projects The Netherlands (where he is from), Sweden (where he studied), Brazil (where he lived for 2 years), and online with people from all over the world.
During his master's research, Thomas was curious how a Strategic Sustainable Development approach could be made relevant and applicable in a Business Model Innovation context.
Based on this research, he started to develop the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology, sharing and testing his approach in a multitude of lectures, workshops, and trainings since 2016, under the name "Sustainable Start".
Starting 2021 he changed to the name and founded the Sustainable Business Model Academy.

This is what people have to say about Thomas
Boshra J.
Technology student
It is clear that Thomas is an expert in this field.
He was very enthusiastic and it was clear that Thomas is an expert in this field. He communicated very clearly, explaining things in his own words and making sure the point was understood.
Helena M.
Innovation student
Great build up and interesting examples and exercises.
The build up of the workshop was great with a good pace and interesting examples and exercises. Thomas does a great job!
Florence L.
Digital Transformation Agent
Good balance between theory and practical exercises.
I like how Thomas clarifies and explains stuff. The workshop flow was very good, starting with some more theoratical basics to then dig deeper into various topics through conversation and sharing amongst the participants.
Can we really put a price on sustainability? Can we really determine the monetary value of doing the right thing for society and the environment? We cannot, it is invaluable.
This program is like a master in Sustainable Business Modelling, for a fraction of the price, while directly applying what you learn to boost your own business performance.
As said before, making your business more sustainable is well-known to do three things: increase revenue, decrease costs, and mitigate risks.
Importantly, have you considered the cost of not buying this course?!
Consider the business risks you can avoid that are associated with an unsustainable course and continuing business as usual. Without a doubt, improving your business model sustainability is an excellent business innovation opportunity.
If you look at it that way, we honestly feel we can say:
this course offers incredible value for money, and you should buy it now.

dive deep
Course + 6x Coaching + 5x Feedback
Special Launch Price!
€ 3347,-
excl. VAT
Most Popular Choice

take action
Course + 3x Coaching + 2x Feedback
Special Launch Price!
€ 1847,-
excl. VAT

stand alone
Course Only, Without Personal Support
Special Launch Price!
€ 497,-
excl. VAT

dive deep
Course + 6x Coaching + 5x Feedback
Special Launch Price!
3 x € 1339,-
excl. VAT
Total € 4017,-
Save 20% with a One Time Payment
Most Popular Choice

take action
Course + 3x Coaching + 2x Feedback
Special Launch Price!
3 x € 739,-
excl. VAT
Total € 2216,-
Save 20% with a One Time Payment

stand alone
Course Only, Without Support
Special Launch Price!
3 x € 199,-
excl. VAT
Total € 596,-
Save 20% with a One Time Payment
You can still sign up until Oct 11th!
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"We depend on the whole as the whole depends on us."
On a personal note,
I sincerely hope you will join and enjoy this course. I strongly believe that integrating the 4 systems thinking perspectives of the Sustainable Business Model Canvas Methodology will help you make your value proposition irresistible and your business model fit for a flourishing future.
I invite you to take the first step towards our shared success together.